Middle East Action Team

Perhaps nowhere are the threats to religious communities more visible than in the Middle East. The absence of religious freedom and government protections have led to genocide of religious minorities and massive displacement across much of the region. For any lasting peace to be secured on a regional or even local level, religious freedom is crucial. The ability to live together with those of another faith, or even those who share a different interpretation of your own is necessary. We are working to address the ideas that are driving violence and to strengthen communities to preserve pluralism where it is at risk.

Director: Jeremy Barker
Members: Miles Windsor, Lena Abboud
Associated Scholars: Salah Ali, Farahnaz Ispahani, Ahmet Kuru, A. J. Nolte, Charles Ramsey, Nilay Saiya,

Listen to the Middle East File podcast: an interview series hosted by RFI’s Middle East Action Team.

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