An “Oath Unviolated”: Realizing the Joy of Medicine through the Free Exercise of Conscience

In an article published recently in Christ Medicus Foundation’s Catholic Journal on Religious Freedom and Healthcare, RFI Research Fellow Andrew Kubick argues:

Physicians who, through a well-formed conscience, discern which acts are good and commit to them are sure to enjoy the fruits of their profession. Unfortunately, there is a pervasive assault on the rightful exercise of medical conscience that disturbs the joy of medicine and disrupts the plans of future physicians who refuse to forfeit their morals to attain their license.

In this essay, Kubick "reaffirms the primacy of conscience in medicine and introduces a new initiative to assist medical students and physicians who are subjected to hostility because they wish to live out their faith in their profession."

He later highlights a collaborative effort to protect medical conscience rights in law. He writes:

[RFI's Center for Religious Freedom Education] in collaboration with Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) and the Christ Medicus Foundation (CMF), has launched the Medical Conscience Rights Initiative to protect the free exercise of conscience of our Nation’s health care providers. The Initiative seeks to pass laws in each state supporting medical conscience rights, and uses educational resources, print and digital media, grassroots coalition building, and on-the-ground legal advocacy to advance its mission.

Read the full article: "An 'Oath Unviolated': Realizing the Joy of Medicine through the Free Exercise of Conscience"