Public Discourse: "Judaism, Natural Law, and the Achievement of David Novak"

Public Discourse, the journal of the Witherspoon Institute, recently published an article titled, “Judaism, Natural Law, and the Achievement of David Novak.” Rabbi David Novak is an eminent philosopher and theologian and a professor at the University of Toronto. He is also a member of RFI’s Board of Advisors.

Reflecting on the different strands of Judaism today, the article highlights the virtue of Modern Orthodoxy and its distinctiveness in striving to reconcile traditional Judaism with modern society. 

All of this is relevant because it means that, within Judaism, Modern Orthodoxy is uniquely situated with respect to the challenges that modern society presents to religious believers....Modern Orthodoxy chooses to live in the world but not be of the world. In sum, among Jews, only the Modern Orthodox face the culture wars head on.

Counted among the Modern Orthodox, Rabbi Novak is praised for his work and dedication “to expounding the natural law elements of Judaism. To understand the impact of David Novak’s work, it’s first necessary to recognize that he is the only prominent Jewish natural law thinker in the world today.”

Read the full article in Public Discourse.

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