"Religious Freedom in the Crosshairs": Tom Farr on Think Biblically podcast

In an April episode of the podcast “Think Biblically”, hosts Scott Rae and Sean McDowell from Biola University spoke with Former Solicitor General of the United States and Federal Judge Ken Starr and RFI President and Former Diplomat Tom Farr on the current challenges to religious freedom in the US and abroad.

In assessing the global picture of religious freedom, Tom Farr said, “From the evidence, there is an international crisis in religious liberty. Nowhere in the world is it practiced perfectly and never has been. In my view, there is a perfect storm of resistance to the idea of religious liberty.”  

Regarding the situation of religious liberty in the U.S., Dr. Farr pointed out that threats to religious liberty should be a cause for concern among everyone, religious and atheists alike. “Religious liberty, [...] in protecting the rights of believers to be involved in public life, stabilizes our society in ways that are important for every citizen of this country.”

He further emphasized that arguing for religious liberty from this perspective of highlighting how it contributes  to the common good might prove effective in dialogue with countries such as China, which represses religious pluralism in the interests of an officially-atheist government.

To listen to the entire discussion, please visit https://www.biola.edu/blogs/think-biblically/2018/religious-freedom-in-the-crosshairs